Categorie archief: Wielrennen

Wouter, sempre 108

9 mei 2011. Wielrennen is een feest. Toch? Niet op die dag. Het is het moment, de dag waarop de tijd bleef stilstaan voor even. Voor even, want twee dagen later trok de Giro verder. The show must go on. Het wielerpeloton is een nooit halthoudende slang die zich in bochten wringt en door de nauwste stegen kronkelt van dorpen, steden en landen. De nooit halthoudende slang stopte even met kronkelen op die dag. De dag die het verdwijnen van de meest opgewekte lach in het peloton met zich mee zou brengen…

Zinnen als “Het is niet eerlijk. Waarom hij?” en “Waarom moest dit gebeuren?” werden overal gehoord, maar nergens beantwoord. Het zijn de vragen waarop antwoorden niet mogelijk zijn. Die vragen zijn soms het moeilijkst om te dragen. Het was een dag die de ommezwaai van hemel naar hel perfect kan vertegenwoordigen. Het ene moment lachend op een plek, het volgende moment rollen de tranen over de wangen. Verdriet, onbegrip, maar bovenal een golf van troost. De wielerfamilie zocht elkaar, om elkaar een luisterend oor te bieden, zachte woorden toe te fluisteren en elkaar te steunen. Het is het moment waarop we met z’n allen aan hetzelfde zeel trokken, waarop we met z’n allen beseften dat koers koers moet blijven en geen waanzin.

De rit nadien was een rit die in ieders geheugen gegrift staat. IJskoude rillingen trekken over de rug, tranen die vloeien terwijl de gedachten afdwalen naar de familie. Een huilende Tyler Farrar, een met emoties vechtend Leopard Trek, niet goed wetend hoe het nu verder moet. Ongeloof en verdriet. Dat waren de kernwoorden van het moment. Een jaar geleden. De wereld is niet gestopt met draaien. Iedereen moet verder. Maar we vergeten het niet. Niet, nimmer of te nooit.

Wouter, sempre 108, sempre con noi.

Roze is een mannenkleur

“Maybe I should participate in the Giro in 2012.”  Ja, alsjeblieft, JA! Het zijn de woorden van Andy Schleck. Her en der werd bij de fans reeds geopperd dat de Luxemburgse berggeit zijn kansen moest wagen in een klimronde en in mindere mate de Tour die voor tijdrijders op hun lijf geschreven lijkt in 2012.  Want laat ons eerlijk zijn. Hij mag dan wel hard “travakken” om zijn tijdrit beter te krijgen en zijn positie op de tijdritfiets gestroomlijnd te maken, volgend jaar gaat de kleine de Tour niet winnen. Tenzij dat de organisatoren en parcourstekenaars ons serieus bij ons pietje hebben, en die bergetappes lastiger zijn dan ze eruit zien. Onbekend maakt immers onbemind.

Maar genoeg over de Tour de France, we willen het hebben over de Giro. De jongste Schleck participeerde voor het eerst en meteen ook voor het laatst in 2007 in Bella Italia. En hij deed niet slecht. Helemaal niet slecht, zou ik zelfs zeggen. Hij werd tweede – oh ironie, nee, harde waarheid – in zijn allereerste grote ronde als bijna 22-jarige snuiter achter de beruchte Italiaan Danilo Di Luca. Sinds 2008 is de Tour de France het enige wat in Andy zijn hoofd speelt. Hij moet en zal die winnen, daarvan is hij overtuigd. Maar diverse mensen opperen nu, na zijn drie achtereenvolgende tweede plaatsen, dat hij maar eerst eens de Giro moet proberen winnen. Meer spek voor zijn bek, zeggen de kenners. Zo ook Eddy Merckx. En door die gevleugelde woorden van de Kannibaal, sprak Andy de woorden “maybe I should”.

Op Twitter waren er twee kampen toen het artikel verscheen. In het eerste kamp zaten de Schleckfans. Die waren al in een lichte euforische bui. Eindelijk! De reiger uit Mondorf-Les-Bains zou eens luisteren naar de mensen die er wat van kennen. Niet dat Schleck er niets van kent, maar bon. De oude rotten in het vak hebben overal wel een geoliede mening over. Schleckfans, het is een vreemd ras. Ze duiken overal op met hun Luxemburgse vlaggen, ook al behoren ze niet tot het kleine Hertdogdom – ik pleit schuldig – en moedigen de twee broers met vuur en passie aan. Als Andy Schleck de Giro zou rijden, zou de waanzin net zo groot zijn als tijdens de Tour. Misschien zelfs nog groter, want meer nog dan de Tour, kan Schleck deze Giro winnen. Veel bergjes, weinig kilometers tegen de tijd. Spek voor de bek, zoals ik al zei, van de klimmer.

Maar er zijn nog een aantal problemen. Een probleem is kamp twee van Twitter. Dat kamp bevindt zich voornamelijk in Denemarken, waar de Giro d’Italia van start gaat. Leopard-Trek en Radioshack-Nissan zijn gefusioneerd, gemengeld, gemergered zoals dat heet, en dat zint de Denen niet. Ah nee, want Jakob Fuglsang is daardoor benadeeld. De talrijke Fuglsangfans – ze bevinden zich niet alleen in Denemarken – waren al furieus toen de Schlecks half Saxobank leeg shopten bij de oprichting van de luipaardenploeg en dus hun halfgod Bjarne Riis een slag in het gezicht gaven. Nu kwam daar ook nog eens bij dat de renners van niets wisten van die nieuwe fusie. Er werd moord en brand geschreeuwd en geopperd dat Fuglsang naar een andere ploeg moest gaan, uit protest voor het onrecht dat hem was aangedaan. Fugslang, zoals u weet, bleef bij Bruyneel die de touwtjes nu in handen heeft, nadat hij beloofd werd de leidershandschoen te mogen opnemen in de Giro. En daar wringt het schoentje. Als Andy naar de Giro gaat, moet dat zijn om hem te winnen. Een duaal leiderschap lijkt niet te passen in het kader van de Fuglfans. Dat hij zijn eigen kans niet kan gaan, is hun grootste vrees. Ik vind het de grootste bullshit die ik ooit heb gehoord. Steek zowel Andy als Fuglsang in die ploeg, geef ze allebei leiderschap en zadel ze op met sterke ploegmaats. Simpel als dat. We zien dan wel wat er gebeurt.

Een ander probleem is het fenomeen “Iets in uw hoofd en niet in uw gat hebben”. Dat is zo met het onderwerp Tour de France en Andy Schleck. Die Tour zit in het brein van Schleck vastgebrand, verschroeid, genageld. En als hij iets in zijn hoofd heeft, heeft hij het dus niet in zijn gat. Bruyneel zei reeds tegen de krant “Het Nieuwsblad” dat hij probeert Andy’s attitude te veranderen. Ik wens hem veel succes. Koppigheid is iets wat je er niet gemakkelijk uitkrijgt.

En als laatste probleem is er nog dit. Schleck opperde al een paar keer dat hij nog eens zou meedoen aan de Giro. Maar trok daarna zijn staart weer in. Faalangst lijkt het wel. De Giro is te zwaar en dat zou de Tour hypothekeren. En zijn woorden zijn “Maybe I should” en niet “Yes, I am going to ride”. Dat is een groot verschil. Waarschijnlijk gaat hij de Giro niet rijden, maar weer vol voor de Tour gaan. Ik hoop dat hij daar nog eens goed over nadenkt.En toch voor de Giro kiest, want het is zo’n mooie ronde voor hem. Hij zou goed staan met dat roze truitje en broekje. Maar echt heel goed.



“Andy Schleck gestopt door de politie voor te snel rijden”. Dank u, Twitter, om me dat te laten weten. Nou, het is natuurlijk niet echt Twitter die het me liet weten, eerder de mensen op Twitter. En dan vraag ik me onmiddellijk af, waarom? Is het nodig dat we dit weten? Doet dat er echt toe? Hij is een wielrenner, geen beroemde filmster die af en toe eens door het slijk gesleurd moet worden om hem dan weer liefdevol in ons hart te sluiten.

Vrij snel na de start van zijn profcarrière gingen vergelijkingen op tussen Tom Boonen en de jongste Schleck. Niet in termen van rennerscapaciteiten – want Schleck is verre van een sprinter – maar wel omdat beiden gezien worden of werden als zondagskinderen. Zij die vaak in de pers verschijnen, niet zozeer altijd omwille van hun prestaties, maar in de roddelbladen en tabloids voor wat ze hebben uitgespookt. Het verhaal van de kat en de Lamborghini van Boonen kent iedereen. Schleck ontkende lange tijd dat hij in Luxemburg net zo erg als Boonen in België bekritiseerd wordt door de niet-gespecialiseerde bladen – als u me toestaat zo te noemen – maar misschien moet hij die mening nu herzien.

Hij verschijnt bijna wekelijks in Lux Privat, de Luxemburgse equivalent van Dag Allemaal, maar dan nog erger – ja het kan. En de verhalen zijn soms echt hilarisch. Het vermoeden dat alles puur verzonnen is uit het brein van een fantasierijke journalist – als we hem of haar zo kunnen noemen eigenlijk – is zo sterk aanwezig, dat er je bijna een hernia van krijgt. Misschien een rare vergelijking, maar ik sta ervoor bekend.

Maar waarom wordt echt alles tegenwoordig uitgesmeerd in die boekjes? Schleck is alomtegenwoordig in de gossipblaadjes, net als zijn oudere broer, in Luxemburg. De kleine deed nochtans zijn best om zogoed als onzichtbaar te zijn op Curaçao. Het duurde eeuwen voor de eerste leuke foto’s – de jetskifoto’s als je wil- met vriendin Jil zich verspreidden. Op zich was dat aangenaam, even rees de “opluchting” dat hij in een volgende fase was richting het volwassen zijn. Even erna komt dat bericht over dat te snel rijden. Ik hoef het niet te weten, maar dat wil niet zeggen dat ik het goed praat. Integendeel, was ik een kennis of vriend van hem, had ik hem nu al een flinke bolwassing gegeven en misschien een ferme klets op de bibs. Maar voor de rest interesseert me die informatie over zijn privéleven geen fluit. Oké, zijn liefdesleven misschien wel, maar niet alle details. Dat doet er niet toe, al zeker niet voor de modale wielerfan. Ik beschouw me nu als een modale wielerfan, het is ooit anders geweest. O jee, ik sla aan het bekennen…

Het kan zijn dat u vindt dat ik de grootste nonsens uitkraam. Dat mag. Maar ik vind al die roddelbladen en hun inhoud “arse-gravy of the biggest kind”. Arse-gravy, dank u Stephen Fry, om me dat woord te leren. Ik gebruik het ook altijd wanneer ik vind dat ik het kan gebruiken. En nu stop ik met lullen voor u hoofdpijn krijgt.


The Story of a Runner-up…who becomes First

Everyone knows the second place is the worst place to end up. In a race, game, whatsoever, you’re lost while you were rather close to the highest spot on the podium. And sometimes you get on the highest place after all. Because your competitor has been caught for doping…

30 September 2010: Alberto Contador appeared in the press with his story about tainted meat and clenbuterol.
15 February 2011: Alberto Contador is cleared of doping use by the RFEC, the Spanish federation of sports.
The game begins: suspended, not suspended. Now it’s waiting for the decision of the UCI or WADA, or both, to make a higher appeal when they don’t agree with that decision… Contador is still the winner of the Tour de France 2010. Yes, the winner, but what about the runner-up Andy Schleck? Let’s face it. This must be hell for the runner-ups. Not knowing for sure if your competitor has cheated you, betrayed you. Might be even worse if that competitor is/was/pretended to be an actual friend. I can’t look in the mind of Andy Schleck but I was reading the interview with Oscar Pereiro Sio in Procycling Magazine a few days ago. Yes, the Runner-up of the Tour de France 2006… at least that was what he was. But two days after that weird Tour, Floyd Landis got caught for doping…

Pereiro said some interesting stuff. But the thing that really gave me a lump in the htroat, was this quote: “I’ve always had the feeling I’ve missed two things: the glory that belongs to the winning of the Tour de France and the celebrating of the victory with my teammates.” Would Andy Schleck feel the same when he gets the Tour de France 2010? Probably yes. But Schleck has maybe more chances to win another Tour de France than Pereiro had.

When Pereiro heard Landis won the Tour on doping, his world collapsed. It’s reasonable, you got second in a three-week race, one of the most prestigious ones in the world. And you were actually happy you made it up to second place and it’s a friend who won, ‘cause Landis was a former teammate of Pereiro at Phonak, they were often roomies.

We know nothing about Andy when he heard Contador has tested positive on clenbuterol. A vague tweet with a slight sense of confusion and hope he is innocent because Contador said the clenbuterol had been caused by a dirty cow! Mooh! So Andy doesn’t say much but what he has said, said enough. He is not willing to accept the Tour victory of 2010 as a real one. He wants to win it on the road.

Pereiro said in the interview in Procycling he couldn’t cope with the pressure of being a sudden Tour de France winner, he didn’t feel well in that status. He knew he would never win the Tour again, but he putted pressure on himself, ‘cause people had high expectations and he didn’t want to disappoint them. Maybe that’s the difference between Schleck and Pereiro. Andy knows he can win it: he is younger than Pereiro was (Pereiro was 29, Andy is 25) and besides that, Andy is one of the most talented guys that the modern cycling knows right now, and he has someone he can trust for the fully 110 percent: his brother, Fränk. Maybe that is his power to go on with this and to be strong, as well physically as mentally.

Meanwhile we got the news Contador is free so you can say this whole essay doesn’t count. Andy won’t get the tour de France. Maybe not, we have to wait for UCI (they are so fast) or WADA (the vampires!) to see what will happen next. But surely, we saw Andy Schleck had a bad end of the season 2010, illness and very tired. Could it be that the whole stuff around Contador affected him but he just decided to shut up? (Wise boy!) Or was it just all the shit of this season backfiring on him? Or was he just tired of the media circling around his head? Sometimes they forget he’s just a man who wants to live and rides a bike… awesomely.

PS: I know I’m biased. You better get over that. 😉

x Eva D.

The Radio Ban Fuzz

Okay, so yesterday we had the protest at the Trofeo de Palma Mallorca against the decision of the UCI to ban radios in the little races (yeah, right, Flemish races are included, I’m talking about Omloop het Nieuwsblad…) (e.g started with the Worlds, continues at 1.2 and 2.2 races). So currently in the Tour of Qatar and Trofeo (classified as small races, yes) no radios allowed. Riders protest.

Tom Boonen got a question after his win today in Qatar. What does he think? “In races like Qatar it’s no problem, cause the race is not very technical or dangerous. But I think it’s gonna be a big mess in the Flemish races like Omloop. And I wanna know, who’ll be responsible then?” HA, you got it, UCI? Other riders who’re against it are e.g Fabian Cancellara and Andy Schleck. Masters in cycling, world top. Also team leaders like Vaughters and Bruyneel are not happy with the radio ban. Turning back to the old days is not safe for riders. Also Eddy Merckx, icon of cycling, thinks it’s a stupid decision of the UCI.

UCI itself says races will be less predictable… Yeah. Right, remember that stage in 2009 in the Tour de France… without the radios, that was boring like hell, predictable like hell and stupid as hell! The only reason the Worlds in Oz was exciting, cause it was the Worlds… Everyone is burned to win, everyone wants that beautiful Rainbow Jersey. The only supporter (in World Tour classification) must be Philippe Gilbert himself… But he has not so many supporters.

Now I’m wondering, dear followers and everyone else reading this… What do you think? Are you supporting the Radio Ban or not, why?

PS: some of you might have read this before on my tumblr-blog, sorry for the double read ;D

Eva D.

The Adventure takes me to… LUXEMBURG

6:30 am: My alarm clock woke me up with the ringtone of the very famous imp Wesley. He’s cursing, he always does, “Godmiljaar” (that’s Dutch for “God damn it”) through my room. I was already awake since 6 o’clock this morning and I was gazing at my very interesting ceiling, which is normally yellow (Ha, Tour de France) but with the lights out, it’s just boring black… or invisible, what you prefer. Three words were tumbling through my mind: Andy, Fränk, today. A big grin showed upon my face and wouldn’t go away for the rest of the day. I was dreaming away for a bit, till my mum haunted me out of bed to the breakfast table. I jumped out of bed and at 8 o’clock I was outside at the bus stop waiting for my bus to the station Gent-Sint-Pieters. Hmm, I’m never that fast when I have to go to school. Well, this would be much more fun than school… I have checked like a million times if I had taken everything with me: train tickets, okay; tickets for the entrance to the presentation of Team Leopard-Trek, okay; hotel voucher, okay. Alright, I’m ready to go! Once I was at the train station I went to buy another train ticket to get over the border to Luxemburg (Arlon – Luxemburg, I had four train tickets in my bag, gah! The more tickets the more possibilities to lose them). All together I paid 25 euro for my return tickets. Much cheaper than expected, woohoow for me and a happy dance. Well, I stepped from the locket to the departure hall where I could overview the departures of the different trains. There I could see I had a train earlier if I would hurry on platform 9… Train leaves at 9:03 am to Brussels-North station. I was just in time to hop on the train before he leaves. Good God, too many people here wanting to go to their work in the Belgian capital. Gah! This sucks. I found a seat in the back of the last wagon and pushed the big bag I was bearing with me under the seat.  Within 40 minutes I arrived at my station. Text messages of Leonie and Mariska had kept me company during the trip and Leonie also texted her train had some delay so she wouldn’t make it in time. Stupid trains, always some delay, they just can’t be there on time, can they? I went to the sandwich shop in the train station and bought a cheese sandwich with extra veggies and mayo. I don’t like the stations in Brussels… They’re grey, old and not artistic like in Antwerp or Gent. They’re just boring and I feel quite unsafe in my own capital. I do like Amsterdam more than Brussels. I walked back from the shop to the big entrance hall and took a seat on a big marble bench. I was texting with Mariska to know sure we would meet in North. Nope, South. Oh man! I knew I should have asked it before. I really didn’t like the fact I had to wait for another half an hour in the creepy station in Brussels North, all by myself. So I decided to take a train back to South. I could be a pirate and not pay for a ticket, but I’m an honest little girl and walked to the closest locket and got a cheap ticket. Okay, that’s another good thing, I was thinking satisfied and I hurried to the correct platform. It took the train fifteen minutes to get on his destination, just in time to catch up with Mariska. I saw a silhouette I recognise from pictures on facebook, tumblr and twitter. I called her name and she turned around. “Oh hi there!” she said smiling. “Hi”, I said back. I was still out of breath because of my hard-walking to the platform and took a sip of water while Mariska got a telephone call. Meanwhile the train arrived, we could leave to Luxemburg. No Leonie though. Bah, I swore at delays and got in the train with Mariska. Five minutes later Leonie called. She was in North. “Jump out, now!” I said. She jumped out but she landed in Central. “Ah your compatriots are asses! They put me on Central! Well, guess I have to wait one more hour”, she sighed at the telephone. I felt bummer she couldn’t be with us, but we couldn’t change much of it. I watched the little screen in the train which showed all the upcoming destinations. Terminus Luxemburg. “That’s ours!” Mariska said. I smiled, I was really leaving, oh my God… It’s weird people only can start believing things when they get proves of it. So for the upcoming three hours I would be talking with Mariska, tweeting via my phone (which the battery didn’t like and decide to die every time I started up the internet at the end) and studying a bit. I was being a little rebel: I picked Dutch to study while I was in a train which was rumbling on the tracks in the French speaking part of Belgium, Wallonia. We are just a hell of a difficult country. After two hours of Dutch I switched to Film and Documentary, but I was getting slightly nervous ‘cause we were almost crossing the border with Luxemburg. So I putted my stuff away and watched the scenery. There was still snow on the fields and it was raining. Great weather, gah, not! And I forgot my gloves at home! Luckily I was wearing two scarves.

When the train arrived at Luxemburg Central Station, we jumped out of the train and ran through the raindrops with our suitcases being heavy in our hands. Outside the train station we were searching for bus 16 to the airport to go to our hotels. Mariska was staying in the hotel in d’Coque itself, and I stayed at Novotel Kirchberg, the same hotel of Petra. We had already passed Novotel when I realised that stop might have been my stop… Next stop Mariska got out of the bus. I walked to the bus driver and asked him where I had to descend the bus. Ah two stops too late. Bummer. Well I took back the bus and when I got on the good stop I was walking at a sideway which was covered with ice. You should have seen me… Well Petra did. She might have been laughing. I almost ended upon my ass ‘cause it was very slippery. I found a little corridor so I walked through it and saw the letters of Novotel appearing in front of me. Might be the good one. Still not confident, so I didn’t dare to enter. Luckily there was Petra, she texted me that she saw me and I asked her if she would mind to come down and rescue me from the cold wind and rain. A few minutes later she said a happy “Hello!” to me and joined me to the reception. A friendly dude was helping me there, said hello in French which I responded in a twist in English. My French is okay, but please, English is a bit of a second language for me. Apparently I had a room at the same floor as Petra and when we were upstairs, we decided she would join me in my room. As true computer addicts, she went back to her room to get her laptop and we were both surfing on the internet in my room (number 434, ha!): me on the bed, she on the sofa. After an hour Leonie called me. She has arrived in Luxemburg and was bored. “Eva, I’m coming at your hotel. What’s the number?” “Uhm 434.” “Okay, see you in some minutes”, she said and hung up the phone. A half an hour later we were with three of us in my room, cosy… It was the first time I met these people but I felt really good with them, like I have known them whole my life. Only Mariska was missing… following twitter she was out in town. At half past six we decided to check out downstairs in the restaurant if they had anything to serve for dinner yet, though two of us (me and Petra) were actually too nervous to eat. The friendly waiter said we could have dinner from 6pm. “We better go up in our rooms and get ready for tonight”, Petra said. All three of us thought that was a good idea and Leonie decided to stay at Petra’s room this time while we were getting ready for dinner and the presentation. Leonie was already ready before she got to our hotel. I have never been so fast in a shower and getting dressed and doing some make-up. At 6pm I knocked on Petra’s door to leave to the hotel restaurant. We ordered the buffet… You could eat as much as you want… Yes, listen, we (Petra and I) were nervous, we had problems to eat something. Leonie, on the other hand, was starving and got two big plates of food. She glared at us, we glared back. “Enjoy your dinner, dear”, grinned Petra. Leonie grinned back at us. “You aren’t eating much, are you?” I shook my head. “I can’t, too nervous, my stomach is blocking every single thought of food.” Petra nodded: “Same with me…” Leonie explained us she would only get nervous when she would be there and see the guys we came for. I shivered: “I still can’t believe I’m actually going to see those dudes, awesome!” So after Leonie had finished her dinner, Petra had already left to do some last things before leaving to d’Coque, we decided to go again upstairs to Petra’s room and then hold a quick stop at mine, ‘cause our jackets were still there. We picked up our jackets, I wrapped my leopard printed, well, snow leopard printed scarf around my neck and we were ready to go.

The presentation… or show of Cirque du Soleil?

It was pretty cold outside and it was dark. d’Coque wasn’t that far away from Novotel. Ten minutes walking to there. We got into a building but we were wrong. Quick bathroom visit, and then asking a security-man where we could find our seats. He started to mumble something in Luxemburgish… “Oh, we aren’t from here, you speak English?” No.. French, yes of course, second language there. Gah! I’m lucky it’s supposed to be my second language too so I could understand the man. On our way to the actual correct building we met Mariska (Petra was already gone ‘cause she had a special seat downstairs where the journalists are eager to hear new things they might not have caught during the press conference.) Mariska, Leonie and me were seated in block D. High above, we could see enough to see the riders, but that’s all, hey, I’m not complaining. I got excited all over the whole happening and watched my eyes out. And then, suddenly, I saw them. I kicked Leonie who was sitting next to me. “Look! Andy and Fränky!” She was looking in the hall but couldn’t see them. “Not there,” I said, “THERE!” “OH!” She took her camera and tried to take some pictures, but she was not satisfied with the result. “Hm, I’m going downstairs and try to get a bit closer.” And off she was, running downstairs. Just when she was about to launch her camera, Andy and Fränk decided it was time to go backstage and undress and dress in their new team-kits. She came back, playing a grumpy photographer. “Meh, they just left when I was ready to shoot them.” I grinned. “I saw it.” A few minutes later the show started.

First we got to see a little compilation they also showed at the press conference earlier that day. I was getting totally excited by the music, I have a weakness for drama music and up-tempo stuff on movies. I can’t help it, it makes me feel excited and enthusiastic. Oh, there is Andy-smile! Very short, but he smiled! Yeey! It was good to see they had a team camp with as main goal to get to know each other and not a training camp. Skiing, I bet they had a lot of fun, I mean, sometimes I really want to be a little fly and hides in rooms or trees. A fly with giant ears and eyes, I have to hear and see it all very clear, of course. But back to the presentation. As first we had a speech from Brian Nygaard, manager of the Team Leopard-Trek. The Danish manager explained why he chose for the name Leopard. I think it’s original. He is right, there are so many teams with the name of their sponsor (of course, you can discuss the fact they don’t have a main sponsor, except for the managing bureau of Nygaard), this is a nice variety in the peloton. Besides that a leopard is a very fast animal. I grinned while Nygaard told his story. I couldn’t stop thinking about my nail file with the catchy phrase on it “Catch the Leopard while you can”. I think that should be the new slogan of the Luxalicious angels, don’t you? (From the real Luxalicious angels of course, I have seen some piracy about that name. IT’S PROPERTY FROM LEE/NIM (I don’t know anymore who came up with this, girls, sorry)! Okay, this aside, we go on with the presentation… Nygaard also revealed the team car, HELL what a beautiful car! Mercedes E-class, it’s a wonderful good car! After Nygaard, Pat McQuaid entered the arena. The president of the UCI (Union Cyclisme Internationale) spoke: “This team portraits everything that is good about this sport, and will continue in the upcoming years to portrait everything what is good about this sport. The riders themselves have a big responsibility, they have the hopes of a nation on their shoulders and also the hopes of the cycling world on their shoulders. I really believe they can live up those expectations and that we can see wonderful performances from this team.” Then the Minister of Sports came on, mister Romain Schneider. The man said that Luxemburg has become a real “Vélonatioun” or a cycling nation, with great riders from the past as Johnny Schleck and Charly Gaule. And youngster as Andy and Fränk Schleck and Ben “With The Nice Hair” Gastauer. He also thanked Flavio Becca for his contribution to this new team build a bit around the Schleck-brothers. (note: He spoke in Luxembourgish, quite a difficult language for people who don’t speak any German at all, yes, I’m talking about me. But then he spoke a bit in Allo Allo – German accent English, just like Jensi would do, but then less Chuck Norris and the Terminator) He hopes the team can collect some nice victories and wishes the team good luck for the upcoming season.

Nygaard wanted to introduce another someone who’s very important for the team, the Dane Kim Andersen, the team manager. He came on with a broad smile on his face. “We put Luxemburg once again on the world map with this team”, explains Nygaard. Andersen reveals the goal of the team. “I think it’s no secret what our biggest goal is: we want to win the Tour de France with this team. We also want to do good in some classics, a few of them at least”, he joked. The four sponsors are Trek (bikes), Mercedes (cars), Craft (clothing) and Enovos (a power company in Luxemburg (Google translates!).

Then it was time for some entertainment, “The Ring” was the title of the act. “Look, Zebraman, aaaaw, he is wearing the wrong print!” We were enjoying it, but I think live in the arena it was more exciting than on a television screen or behind a computer monitor. Though it looked very artistic and sometimes an “Oh that’s cool” slipped through my lips.

After the entertainment… some more entertainment, CYCLISTS. We start of with the Young Professionals, the youngsters of the team: Giacomo Nizzolo (ITA), Stefan Denifl (AUT), Martin Pedersen (DAN), Will Clarke (AUS) and Dominic Klemme (GER). And look, the kit appeared! On the internet pictures they look rather boring and not cool, but in real life, when real riders wear those tricots! Holy God! I love it, it’s classy, it’s stylish, it’s sober, it’s Leopard-Trek. I like it, I have fallen in love with a very beautiful kit. People are saying it looks simular to Team Sky’s and Garvélo. But I don’t agree. Those two have no white in the jersey and the sponsor with both is in a specific square. No copies in my opinion of Sky and Garvélo. Maybe Saxobank – Sungard? No, not even that. Yes the pants are black, that’s like with the half of the peloton like that, ‘cause it’s easy, it’s the best colour for not having, ehm, embarrassing moments. I think the kit is really unique and shows what the team wants to show: elegance and performance. Stefan Denifl was impressed by the amount of people in the arena. Martin Pedersen, the little one from the youngster got asked if he was superstitious. “No, I’m not that superstitious, I used to have a lucky charm, but it seems like it was better without it, since then I haven’t been that superstitious. I know it’s a dangerous sport sometimes but if you get too superstitious, maybe it’s a little bit bad for you. I try to stay calm and relaxed and just hope for the best.” Wise words from a down-to-earth person.

After the youngster we got to know the sprinters of the team: Daniele Bennati (ITA), Robert Wagner (GER), Wouter Weylandt (BEL) and Davide Viganò (ITA). Also concluded to the sprinters is Stuart O’Grady (AUS), also known as the road captain. One of the big young talents is my compatriot (May I please?) Wouter Weylandt (no, not Voeter Vaailandt, Miss), he is even a region mate (we call him the Gent-Leman, ‘cause he also lives in Gent, you see? Nicknames aren’t that hard to find). As the female presenter, Nathalie Reuter, started to interview him, he got a goofy smile on his face and his eyes were twinkling. This man is ready to roll, ready to kick some sprinter’s asses. Or rather classical riders’ asses, Wouter? “My body says I’m more a sprinter and better for the stage races, but the mind wants to be a classic rider. My heart says also a classic rider, ‘cause I’m a Flemish boy and lots of beautiful classics are in Flanders, I’ll start to race for that.” What follows now, is some great Italian from the male presenter, Dan Spogen. *Personal note* That was funny, seriously: Bello Ragazzo! *personal note off* “Cycling is the reason of my life!” The best answer of the whole presentation goes to Daniele Bennati.

But we had the young lads, we had the sprinters, we should have some more entertainment. We got a guy on a bike, who was doing things I would like to see in the Tour de France from Andy Schleck for example… Think of it: Andy cycling backwards on the Tourmalet, not sitting on the saddle but on his handlebar! Must look marvellous. Still I don’t think he would do it, he only does wheelies during training. Oh look, the aerodynamic look! Might be a good trick for Fabian Cancellara, like a flying bird with his chest on the handlebar, wonderful. I was seeing things that sounded like magic. Aha! We are going to joke about mechanicals. Would be awesome to see riders uphill changing their front wheel by riding on their back wheel. This is Cirque du Soleil!

It’s time to introduce the team leaders, the sports directors: Lars Michaelsen (DEN), Luca Guercilena (ITA), Torsten Schmidt (GER)and Adriano Baffi (ITA). The Danish sports director Michaelsen explains us the difference of being a rider and of being a… rider? “When I was a rider I was on two wheels pushing my pedals, and now as a sports director I’m pushing a Mercedes’ pedal”, he joked. Next victim of Dan’s Italian skills, was Luca Guercilena. The “Come staaaaai” made me giggle. That man has a twisted sense of humour which I like. Next question for Guercilena who’s the only one of the sports directors who hasn’t been a professional rider in a previous career but studied sports science, was how important it was for him to become friendly on a personal level with all of his riders: “The friendship is the base for a good life when you live together for 200 days together all over the world. It’s normal that you want to become friends with your riders ‘cause you set up goals together. Normally at the end of the season you have to have more friends than colleagues. That’s the way to reach results.” Friendship seems to be the keyword for the team.

The climbers are ready to climb the stairs to the podium: Bruno Pires (POR), Brice Feillu (FRA), Oliver Zaugg (SUI), Anders Lund (DAN), Jakob Fuglsang (DAN) and Fabian Wegmann (GER). Brice Feillu, part of the Feillu-brothers (his brother Romain is still at Vacansoleil as a sprinter) got the micro as first one under his nose: “The mountain stage I have won in the Tour de France might have put some pressure on my shoulders, but I like that. You always need some pressure to succeed. So I’m really happy to be here and this is a very strong team.” But what is his role? “I’m the teammate. I want to end the season with the sports directors saying that they are happy with the work I have done and that it was super.” And then I might have get a bit enthusiastic. I was filming the climbers for my Aussie ladies who like a certain man who likes sweets, candy. We’re talking about Jakob “Candyman” Fuglsang. Not really sure what he’s doing with the climbers, I consider him more as an all-rounder. “The stages in the Tour de France have an exciting profile this year, there are some hard stages, but we have a good team and we have a man in the team who can win the Tour this year. And we will do whatever we can to support him. I hope we can present the yellow jersey here in Luxemburg after the Tour.” Fabian Wegmann is a man of little words. “Alles klar.” (Everything is clear for me, in German, gah! A funny guy) And downhill they go, those climbers of Team Leopard-Trek.

Then we go on with the all-rounders of the team: Linus Gerdemann (GER), Maxime Monfort (BEL), Tom Stamsnijder (NED), Joost Posthuma (NED), Jens Voigt (GER) and Martin Mortensen (DEN). The all-rounders have more chances to win smaller stage races, they climb well and they have good timetrial-skills. Jens Voigt wasn’t there, his wife was giving birth to their… sixth child. Some clichés about cyclists and infertility get disproved in one night… Congratulations Jensi! Jens wasn’t there, but Maxime Monfort is there. He got the attention of Nathalie Reuter because he won the Tour of Luxemburg in 2004. “I think my power is my mental strength. When the circumstances get difficult I’m always there, ready to kick some ass. And at the end of the race that makes the difference,” he explained. After the all-rounders, the person who has putted the show together must have thought it would be good to add some more entertainment now. Zebraman was back with a wheel full of lights which you could hardly see on the video, but very good live. It was nice to see.

And then it was finally time for the three big champions, the three big leaders of the team, the three kings (it was the 6th of January after all). Of course we are talking about: Fabian Cancellara (SUI), Fränk Schleck (LUX) and Andy Schleck (LUX). And they have company, their beautiful Trek Madone 6.3 bikes. “We don’t need a radio to communicate, we just have to look at each other and we know how we feel. We train a lot together, we’re brothers”, said Fränk Schleck about being on the road together with his brother Andy. “This team is like a dream that comes true. This gives a lot of emotions, but also lots of motivation. When we met for the first time in Crans Montana, the ambiance felt really good, this is a dream that comes true for us”, he answered to the question how he feels about the new team.
Then we get to the funny part… The bikes. “This is of course a supermodel from Trek, the SSL of Madone.” Andy was explaining things but Fränk laughed at him… Poor Andy! I think they joked about electric gearing (Gah, we all know what they mean, right?). “It’s all tip-top, it’s electric and works in every circumstances”, grinned Andy. The boy had a hell of time on stage (being the little brother, haha, I shouldn’t laugh, sorry). And then we got Fabian… God, in the arena, he totally cracked me up. The interviewer asked him what’s so good about his timetrial bike. “It’s the fastest…and it has definitely no motor. It has only a battery for the electric gearrrring.” And he is proud on his World Titles: “For me as World Champion, multiple World Champion…I am super happy for having the supermodel of a bike, with this nice team, nice kits!” And then it’s Fränky-time, poor Fabian got hit on his butt with Fränk’s bike because Dan the interviewer asked him who the clown of the team is… Andy or Fränk (me thinks it’s Fränk, I mean, we all have seen videos *ahum*) Oh and the boys are learning Luxemburgish to Fabian… I bet they learn him some bad and dirty words, I do that too with my Dutch pupils, hehe. And then they were gone. Bye Andy, bye Fränk and bye Fabian! It was time again for some more Cirque du Soleil… out of sync, but still, nice entertainment and some kind of mashed up Pirates of the Caribbean music mixed with E.S. Posthumus, sometimes I think those guys check out my Twitter… *ahum* When the entertainment was finished all the riders came together. Leonie and me found out we could escape to the podium, but damn it, there were more luminous minds there. And I am shaky onion after all, so I couldn’t make good pictures, so I filmed. That was the end of a marvellous presentation.

It’s a damn chasing for life

The presentation was nothing compared to the chase we had afterwards. We, that will be Leonie, Mariska, Petra and me. Petra texted me to come downstairs. Goal: PR-manager of the team, Ken Sommer. So, Leonie and me run downstairs and we lost Mariska… Great. Anyhow, we came downstairs, but didn’t see Petra nor Mariska. I got called, thought it was Petra but it was an unknown phone number. I picked up the phone and heard for the first time the voice of Tweetfriend Marco in my ears. He was doing live updates on Twitter for ProcyclingLive. Marco, if you read this, didn’t dare to say it in real life but you are really tall! Haha, sorry, it was nice to meet you! You are a friendly man.

When we were talking to Marco, I suddenly saw a silhouette I got to know by now… Petra! But she was talking to someone. I looked, saw nice hair, a nice smile, lovely eyes and a suit. Jakob Fuglsang! Marco said goodbye and we went a bit closer to Petra. I was gazing at Jakob. The only thing that went through my mind was: “Wow, I see him, in real life…” Then I noticed he looked back, I smiled and looked at Leonie. “I want a picture, but I’m too shy to ask”, I whispered. “Shall I ask?” she suggested and she moved a bit closer to Petra. “No, no, don’t, I mean…they’re talking, wait…” What was I saying? My mind was talking to me. What the hell, Eve? No picture with Jakob, are you INSANE? I heard myself saying. “I would feel more sorry about no picture with Andy.” HOW WRONG WAS I? Well, I’ve learned something from this… Get guts. Stop being a moron, and don’t be shy… The most idiot thing that can go through your mind at such moments are: “Hi, I’m Eva and I’m a shy journalist”. Not giving any motivation. Anyhow I did dare to say goodbye to Jakob (Petra introduced us, check out the official fansite of Jakob! She made that one, totally awesome). Anyhow, I realised what I refused and kicked myself. Petra blamed herself for not asking, but dear, you’re not the one to blame, it’s me, being too shy, next time better.

But we were searching for Ken: following Jakob he was in the VIP Room, following Kim Andersen he was in the arena. One thing is for sure: Ken Sommer is the multiple World Champion in Hide-and-Seek. We went from upstairs to downstairs. I think we’ve seen the VIP-room a hundred times. The bike of Fabian stood there and also the kit and the helmet were exposed. I really like the helmet, beautiful and classy. We saw Maxime Monfort a few times. Leonie asked him for a signature. We were at the entrance of the arena again but the curtains of the entrance were closed. We stood there a bit, doubting about what to do, ‘cause the security guys didn’t want to let us in. And suddenly, Andy walked out of the curtains, one meter in front of me. I remembered the text message Cátia had sent me during the presentation: DON’T DIE. Okay, it was hard, but hey, I’m typing, so I’m still alive. Andy was calling. OH NO, NOT AGAIN! Gah! Frustations, he turned around, saw us and smiled and walked back under the curtains into the arena. Bummer! Well, he smiled though…

We still hadn’t found Mariska and when I get a little less paralysed by the things I have seen, I checked my phone. Mariska had seen the boys at the bus… What? There is a bus? Huh? We decided to check it and split up. Petra stayed at the entrance of block D and Leonie and me would check at the outside. When we came back in, Petra was gone. She had tried to call me. I called her back and heard a story about the teambus outside at the big entrance of d’Coque. Okay, ran outside! We walked the wrong way, couldn’t find the bus, and then Leonie called Petra ‘cause my money had flushed away by all the calls and texts. She told Leonie where it was and after some running we came there. Woohoow! I like the team bus, stylish, couldn’t expect less from Mercedes of course. The names are printed next to the door with the according flags. And suddenly Johnny Schleck passed by. Though I have never seen him race, you have respect for this man. He raised three sons with his wife Gaby, and two of them followed in his foot steps in cycling world. And then we saw Fabian Cancellara and Andy Schleck. Leonie tried to scream Fabian, but he didn’t hear. I called Andy’s name when he was almost disappearing in the bus corridor, he turned a bit, but didn’t see me and walked through in the bus. Damn, I should have yelled harder. Fabian disappeared too. And then we have a new hero… Somehow Johnny Schleck had seen Leonie had some marvellous art: a painting of Fabian, and he called Fabian back from the bus. Fabian was pleased with the painting and did a little chit-chat with her and signed her painting and said goodbye. Johnny Schleck is Leo’s new hero! We almost forgot who’re we waiting for: mister Hide-and-Seek. And there he was, he jumped out of the bus and ran to us and smiled broad: “Petraaaaaa!” She was totally stunned when he didn’t accept her outstretched hand and hugged her and give her two kisses. And she wasn’t the only one, I was staring at the scene with twinkles in my eyes. Sommer is a little man, but with the looks of Jake Gyllenhaal. This must say enough… “I’m sorry but we have to go, but I’ll back!” he promised. Ha! We waited for an hour in the frozen cold for you, Mister Sommer, but Danny, the bus driver, decided to take of again, without him! That’s something you can define with “Gah!”. While we were waiting in the cold for nothing, actually, Brian Nygaard came out of the afterparty for a little breath of fresh air, together with some friends and his girlfriend. His girlfriend saw us, and I was my friendly looking-back self and I got an approving nod towards my leopard printed scarf (snow leopards, they rock my winter!). I smiled friendly back and saw her shoes, nice shoes, leopard printed! Hehe, she obviously knows what humour is too! Mariska tweeted Ken meanwhile for asking where he stays. After some time we got an answer back with the bad news of Danny already taken off. “Well, let’s go back to the hotel then”, we decided after all.

Mariska went to the hotel in d’Coque itself, we first took a group picture with our four and said goodbye to Mariska. It was great to get to know you in real life too chica! Thanks for being a great company during the three hours during train trip, haha! We would do this again, right?
Then Petra and me had to say goodbye to Leonie. We give a massive hug and said goodbye too. Great to see you too Leo! You’re also an awesome person, we have to do this again, pure fun with cycling chicas! So there was only Petra and me left. We said goodbye in the corridor of the fourth floor,  but not for long, ‘cause we had a date (haha, great, right?) for having breakfast together the next morning. Once I was in my room, a tiring feeling rolled over me. Though I had to put on the computer to write some stuff down, to see some pictures, videos, listen some music… I’m a maniac and a freak, I know, but I need this, to ensure myself I wasn’t dreaming. I wasn’t dreaming, good. 3 am… I finally fell asleep.

“Hi, I’m Andy Schleck’s lost suitcase and I have to go to Mallorca”

The next morning I woke up at 7.30 am. Early when you went to bed at 3am. I yawned. I slept good, I had a Mars bar from the minibar last night ‘cause I hadn’t much for dinner (because of the long post, you might have already forgotten). I got out of bed, jumped in the shower, dressed up, brushed my hair and went downstairs for breakfast. I need coffee… Really, a lot of coffee. I got a coffeepot, a big one. I poured out four cups of coffee. Petra grinned. “I need them to function”, I said. “You should have some coffee with Jensi”, she said. I smiled. “What an awesome day yesterday, wasn’t it?” Petra could only admit. At breakfast we talked a bit about yesterday, about things that went through our minds during the show, we laughed with the pronunciation of certain names… And we realised we would do it all over again, it was worth the nerves at the tickets release, it was worth the long travel to Luxemburg, it was worth everything. This was my very first team presentation, and I don’t feel sorry about the fact that I spent some money on it, not at all. I had a great time there in Luxemburg. And I miss it. But it was time to go back home, to my study books and my folders stuffed with notes. Gah, I would go with the boys of Leopard-Trek to their training in sunny Mallorca. I could perfectly function as the lost suitcase of Andy Schleck.
I packed my bag and closed the door of my room after I had taken some pictures of my room, traditions need to stay in traditions. I went to Petra’s room so we could check out together. “Shall I give you a lift to the train station?” she suggested. “Oh no, you don’t have to ride some extra kilometres for me”, I said. “Oh, but it’s okay for me!” I thought about it, and I agreed. Those Luxemburgish buses, their not my favourite vehicles. On our way to the station we passed at the hotel where the riders stayed at… Luxury! It looked expensive, and it is like that: €280 a night… That’s quite a lot for a poor student like me. At the train station we said goodbye with a big hug. It was nice to meet you Petra, whenever you’re in Gent, give me a call, we go shopping! Haha! We should do that, really, and at cycling races we can meet too of course!

This was a great two-days-experience and I met three of my Luxalicious angels in Luxemburg, and I had a great time with them. Without them, I would not even have been to the presentation at all! You see the good things about Twitter, you get some awesome new friends on there. And you know Road cycling season 2011 is about to begin soon. And like Andy already said: “It’s gonna be good.”

Eva D.

Sorry for the long post, but in my excitement I wrote the whole story. It’s a good break on work/study/boredness

Team Leopard-Trek Presentation RTL

My personal pictures of the presentation on Facebook
The whole team – Video

Believer (ENG)

September 30, 2010. The cycling world stood still for a moment. A shocking news was sent into the world with a telling headline above: “Alberto Contador tests positive ‘. It says enough and at the same time, it says too much. A whole series of questions then go through your mind: What? Where? When? Why? And especially, how? What has Contador done, how did it happen?

If we dig deeper into the first messages, we get a range of data. The first question can be answered immediately. What: clenbuterol. It is a medecin that is often used for horses with asthma. It frees the lungs and the trachea, it helps to get a mucus reduction and provides a better breathing. Moreover, it also has a muscle strengthening effect and works as a fat burner. The product is relatively rapidly gone by 50% per 36 hours and the effect is of relatively long duration. But it is not only listed as a doping product, it is also known as masking agent of EPO and his associates. One more question that we can answer is: how much was found? Grand total of 50 picograms.  That sounds just like this. A minimal amount, which until recently could not even be detected.

When? That is the next question. The positive urine sample is dated July 21, the second rest day during the Tour before the mythical stage to the summit of the Tourmalet. Contador knew the result already on August 24 but only came up with it on September 30. Contador is temporarily suspended, a standard procedure.

That afternoon he held a press conference, there sat an emotional and angry Contador. He indicated that the clenbuterol was in the meat was, he had eaten on the rest day. Various stories are circulating about this piece of meat. According to Contador, a friend has brought it from Spain for him; according to the cook of Astana he bought the meat in Pau, where they currently stayed. All those stories are very confusing and contradictory. Immediately, our How? – Question can be answered. Or not?

After a while, rumors begin to emerge that Contador would have done a blood transfusion. The New York Times came on September 5 with a new report out. There has been found 8 times more ‘plasticers’ in his blood, than allowed. This could indicate a blood transfusion. The rumors blaze on, because yesterday (October 8 ’10 ed.) Humo (a Flemish magazine ed.)put a preview of an article, which will appear next week, on their site, where we could read the statement from an insider of the Astana team . Claiming that Contador used clenbuterol during Dauphiné Libéré to lose weight and that he did a blood transfusion after the Dauphine so the blood values are not disrupted at his biological passport. There was apparently still a trace of clenbuterol in that blood, which ended up back in his body after he did a back-blood transfusion. Contador denied however that he did a blood transfusion.

Then we consider a final question that arises in our minds: Why? Well, it was quit clear from the start of the Tour that Contador didn’t have his best shape. Did he panicked when he noticed that Schleck maybe was the better half? Or was it that piece of meat that was contaminated, as indicated by Contador? It is still hard to prove, and in the media there is currently a small war to get Contador’s skin. If he really is innocent, he still has the blemish on his name. And the label of doping user is only reinforced because of the fact that his name is (wrongly) called before in the Operation Puerto. He threatens with actions against the allegations against him, but whether it actually can change anything is another question. The best for him and the cycling world now, which was suffering in the recent weeks from the doping news (also Mosquera and David Da Peña got that same day a positive test) that the UCI would come up with a report as soon as possible, a scientific report of the found clenbuterol and his blood values. It would give many answers to our questions and from fellow cyclists.

I would love to believe Alberto Contador. The young chap who had surgery in 2004, after a fall, blood clots in his skull were found. Do you see him having a blood transfusion?! A reasonable person would come with the argument that he knows better and that he would never be so stupid to take risks for his health and his cycling career. At the same time there is so many you can doubt of … The stories are so contrasting, vague and unreliable that you do not know what the truth is. Doping shows after all this time apparently still to be present in the peloton.

I may be naive to believe that the biggest part of the peloton is clean, but I’m a believer. And I am a believer rather than to be someone who condemns without looking at herself. I continue to believe Contador, even though he is not my favorite rider in the peloton, I still believe in him until there is more news from reliable sources. Why? Because I would love to believe…

Eva D.


Zou zo graag

30 september 2010. De wielerwereld stond een klein beetje stil. Een schokkend nieuwsbericht werd de wereld ingestuurd met een veelzeggende kop erboven: ‘Alberto Contador test positief’. Veelzeggend en tegelijkertijd ook te veelzeggend. Een hele reeks vragen gaan dan door je hoofd: Wat? Waar? Wanneer? Waarom? En vooral, hoe? Wat heeft Contador gedaan, hoe is het gebeurd?

Als we dieper in de eerste berichten duiken, krijgen we een hele reeks gegevens. De eerste vraag kan onmiddellijk beantwoord worden. Wat: clenbuterol. Het is een paardenmiddel en wordt vaak gebruikt voor paarden met astma. Het maakt de longen en luchtwegen vrij, zorgt voor slijmvermindering en een betere ademhaling. Bovendien heeft het middel ook een spierversterkend effect en werkt het als vetverbrander. Het product wordt relatief snel afgebroken met 50% per 36 uur en het effect is van relatief lange duur. Maar het staat niet alleen op de lijst als dopingproduct, het is ook nog bekend als een maskeermiddel voor EPO en consorten.

Een bijvraag die we ons kunnen stellen is: hoeveel er is aangetroffen? Welgeteld 50 picogram. Dat klinkt dan zo ongeveer. Een minieme hoeveelheid, die tot voor kort zelfs niet kon worden opgespoord.

Wanneer? Dat is dan de volgende vraag. De positieve plas dateert van 21 juli, de tweede rustdag tijdens de Tour voor de mythische etappe naar de top van de Tourmalet. Contador wist het resultaat reeds op 24 augustus maar kwam er pas op 30 september mee naar buiten. Contador wordt voorlopig geschorst, een standaardprocedure.

In de persconferentie die hij die middag hield, zat een geëmotioneerde en kwade Contador. Hij gaf aan dat het middeltje in het vlees zat, die hij op de rustdag smakelijk had verorberd. Verschillende verhalen gaan de ronde over dit stuk vlees. Volgens Contador heeft een vriend het meegebracht uit Spanje voor hem, volgens de kok van Astana heeft hij het vlees gekocht in Pau, waar ze op dat moment verbleven. Allemaal heel verwarrend en tegenstrijdig. Meteen is onze hoe?-vraag beantwoord. Of niet?

Na een tijdje beginnen er geruchten op te duiken dat Contador een bloedtransfusie zou hebben ondergaan. The New York Times kwam op 5 september met een nieuw bericht naar buiten. Contador zou 8 keer zoveel ‘plasticers’ in zijn bloed hebben, dan toegestaan. Dit zou kunnen wijzen op een bloedtransfusie. De geruchten laaien op want gisteren (8 oktober ’10 n.v.d.r.) plaatste Humo (een Vlaams tijdschrift n.v.d.r.) een preview van een uitgebreid artikel voor volgend week op hun site, waarin de verklaring te lezen is van een bron die dicht bij het Astana team staat. Die beweert dat Contador clenbuterol gebruikte tijdens de Dauphiné Libéré om extra kilo’s weg te werken en dat hij na de Dauphiné bloed aftapte om zo de bloedwaarden in zijn biologisch paspoort niet te verstoren. Daar zat blijkbaar nog een spoortje clenbuterol in, dat terug in zijn lichaam terecht kwam nadat hij weer aan de bloedtransfusie ging voor zijn bloed terug toe te dienen. Contador ontkent evenwel dat hij een bloedtransfusie onderging.

Dan kunnen we ons buigen over een laatste vraag die in ons hoofd opkomt: Waarom? Wel, het was al van in het begin van de Tour vrij duidelijk dat Contador niet in zijn beste vorm verkeerde. Schoot hij in paniek toen hij merkte dat Schleck misschien toch wel de betere was van de twee? Of was het toch dat stukje vlees dat vervuild was, zoals Contador aangaf? Het valt allemaal moeilijk te bewijzen, en in de media wordt er op dit moment een kleine oorlog uitgevochten met als doel, het vel van Contador. Als hij werkelijk onschuldig is, heeft hij toch smet op zijn naam gekregen. En het etiket van dopinggebruiker te zijn, wordt alleen maar versterkt nadat zijn naam ook (ten onrechte) werd genoemd bij de Operation Puerto. Hij dreigt met gerechtelijk stappen tegen de smaad aan zijn adres, maar of dat daadwerkelijk iets zal uithalen, is een andere vraag. Het beste zou nu zijn, voor hem en de wielerwereld die de laatste weken weer lijdt onder de dopingberichten (ook Mosquera en David Da Peña testten diezelfde dag positief), dat de UCI zo snel mogelijk met een rapport komt, een wetenschappelijk rapport over die clenbuterol en zijn bloedwaarden. Het zou voor heel wat antwoorden kunnen zorgen op onze vragen en ook op vragen van collega-wielrenners.

Ik zou zo graag Alberto Contador geloven. De jonge snaak die in 2004 werd geopereerd, nadat er na een val bloedklonters in zijn schedel werden vastgesteld. Je ziet hem toch niet aan de bloedtransfusie gaan!? Een redelijk mens zou dan met het argument komen dat hij beter weet en dat hij nooit zo dom zou zijn om zijn gezondheid en zijn wielercarrière op het spel te zetten. Maar tegelijkertijd is er de twijfel die je moeiteloos overvalt en je aan alle dingen die gezegd wantrouwen toedicht… De verhalen zijn zo contrasterend, vaag en onbetrouwbaar dat je het niet meer weet. Doping blijkt na al die tijd blijkbaar nog steeds aanwezig te zijn in het peloton.

Ik ben dan misschien wel naïef om te geloven dat het merendeel van het peloton clean is, maar ik ben een believer. En ik ben liever een believer dan iemand die veroordeelt zonder naar zichzelf te kijken. Ik blijf in Contador geloven, ook al is hij niet mijn favoriete renner in het peloton, ik blijf in hem geloven tot er meer nieuws is, uit betrouwbare bron. Waarom? Omdat ik dat zo graag zou willen…

 Eva D. 


Worlds Geelong 2010 (EN)

Saturday, October 2, 10 p.m. Time to go to bed. I’ve put the alarm at 5 a.m, the next morning. Good in time so I can watch a nice piece of the World Championship on the road for men. A top favorite was Belgian and that is something you cannot miss as a member of a country which is crazy about cycling. Some people would watch the whole night, but to me it seemed not to be a great idea, since I have to get out of bed at 6 a.m on Monday for a long day at school and I’m not that healthy. So I went tired and with a good prospect of a day full of cycling between the warm blankets of my bed.

At 5 a.m. this morning, the annoying tune my alarm went off, I hammered the thing to silence and shot out of bed. I had already overslept twice before when I put on the alarm to watch the race of the women and U23. I didn’t want to take that risk again, not with Philippe Gilbert as the main favorite at the start. My computer took his time to start up and I waited impatiently for the moment I could open the live stream. Yet ninety kilometers. Good in time. Just in time because the party began a few kilometers later. The Italians wanted to test the Belgian nerves. I just came back into my room with a cup of hot chocolate for company when there was some stress in the peloton. My alarm clock showed 6 a.m in the darkness. Let’s get along with it. 35 men in the front and no Spaniard. So in the chasing peloton the Spanish riders turned on the alarm and Luis Leon Sanchez gets in front of it. In the front, there was a nice group with Gilbert, Leukemans, Van Avermaet and Hoste. Neat and fun for the Belgians, they were thoughtful, were riding intelligent and tried not get whipped by the Italians, who were secretly and scornfully laughing at us. Pozzato, the fake priest who was “abstained” from any flesh pleasures in his bed for the last half a year, was playing the annoying fellow as he did before. “We have to buy him a tandem” did the voice of Karl Vannieuwkerke sound irritated through my headphones. The Shadow was there again, and this time not as a persistent shadow of Tom Boonen as he did so well in Paris-Roubaix in 2009, no, it was Gilbert who got an additional shadow on his wheel.

Meanwhile I had my lucky charm around my neck and started to bite the chain. Everything better than my nails, which were already short, I took my precautions. And then suddenly someone accelerated at the climb, it was the winner of the Tour of Spain,Vincenzo Nibali. At first he was there alone, but soon his compatriot, Visconti, accompanied him and three other riders, including the outgoing Koos Moerenhout, were back on his wheel. Again a different situation, and this went on for a while. The race was a crazy event, without earplugs, without team leaders who shouted in the ears of the riders till they’re going deaf, the team leaders under stress, healthy nerves for the riders. After twenty kilometers, the group Gilbert reconnected, but the Spaniards in the chasing pack had worked on the pursuit and had made the connection with the group, before that one of Gilbert and co picked up Nibali’s. The five in the front were aware that they will be flooded by a chasing peloton. A completely different situation. Oscar Freire, Thor Hushovd, Fabian Cancellara, Fränk Schleck, they all are back on track. Then Greg Van Avermaet, previously out due to a flat tire, pulled on the front of the pack. There were victims, the squad was decimated and then went Björn Leukemans to open up another cartridge. And then Gilbert along with the Shadow in his wheel. My heart did three somersaults at once, twenty kilometers to go. Early, but ‘Phil’ has already proven that he can do that. Although it was in the Omloop het Volk, which is obviously a different race than a World Championship, but the hope, the hope flickers like a flame of a torch in the wind. Phil and Leukemans, a duet. Two Belgians tug and pull. L’Union va faire la Force? We hope and we pray. Behind the three leaders there was a group; including Evans, Martens, Kolobnev and Frank Schleck. Frank Schleck, who would connect with Gilbert and co. My heart did another somersault. There was no trace of Schleck so far, until now, Fränk was wheezing at the front. He was looking forward to it and didn’t want to show nothing when he traveled to the faraway, beautiful Outback of Australia.

Meanwhile Gilbert had enough of it, and he attacked on The Ridge. The last time. My chain dropped out of my mouth, I fear that it would break when I stay biting on the thing, that or my teeth. I clenched my fists tight and pressed my short nails into the palm of my hand, while ‘Come on Phil “whispers went around the room. I had to take into account with my folks sleeping next door. I considered standing up because the nervous bobbing up and down in my armchair makes a screetchy noise. I decided to stay in my seat, and tried to stay calm, but I could not. My heart was pounding when the comments tickled my ears as a feather. Behind Philippe, the speculation has started, I began to hope, 14 seconds, the hope grew, 18 seconds. But it was not enough, it was just not enough. A strong headwind, still a few flat kilometers and a 500 meters uphill arrival to go, Philippe has blown back to the group Schleck who already had been absorbed by the peloton. No more palpitations, no more hope, no more view on the world championship’s jersey. A bunch sprint, damn it, a bunch sprint! It can not be true! I hoped that Gilbert would perform a miracle but it was not there, he bulged over the line on an eighteenth place. Greg Van Avermaet, who rode an awesome stage, was a nice fifth. But disappointment seizes up. It could have been and dealing with that knowledge creates contrasted feelings. Thor Hushovd, The strong Norwegian Bear from Grimstad, became World Champion and it was not our strong regular racing Philippe Gilbert. A hard and sincere “DAMN IT” escaped from my lips, tears in my eyes. I had loved it when it was Phil, he was by far the most regular this year, perhaps the strongest in this race, but, as he himself said, it’s not that, that matters, but to become the World Champion. A sober man, Philippe Gilbert, a great guy.

Then the speculation could also start. What if Tom Boonen had been here? I was wondering where his name would show up. Tom was not here, unfortunately, but it is like that and not otherwise. It’s useless to sulk or to wonder whether we might be more likely to become world champion if he was. We had the main favorite, we had a very strong team where we can be very proud of, we were able to bear the race, but we don’t have the winner. Gilbert was the good choice, even if Boonen would have joined the Belgians to Geelong. What if Gilbert had waited? Wait? Gilbert? Give me a break, attack is the first word in Gilbert’s dictionary, you will not find ‘waiting’. He attacks when it feels good and then it felt good. Speculating about it, doesn’t make any sense, just like during the Tour de France with a chain gate incident and waiting, it doesn’t make a difference to go on a ‘what if’ –  tour.

Disappointed, yes, but proud because the Belgians have colored, created and solidified this course. Did we have too much hope? Were we too sure about the victory of Philippe? Is that why we are so disappointed? No, we were sure about it, Gilbert was good, very good, perhaps the strongest man in the whole race. But he didn’t win. Is that our Belgian modesty that comes up? May we not hope? Sure we may hope, preferably though. It was heartwarming to hear him speak and see him smile in the interview with Renaat Schotte. He has gambled, and he lost it, yes. But those who don’t dare to take risks, and yet loses, will be wondering during his whole life, “Could I have done it better?” And what do you do with that? Gilbert can still be a world champion in the near future. Maybe not next year, that’s a good chance for Boonen or maybe Van Avermaet? But Valkenburg is, an Amstel Gold Race track, which suits Philippe great. But it’s in Europe and there are also other specialists such as a Gesink or Andy Schleck. Anyway, we have much to hope for, if it’s not this year then we go for another year. I am proud of our team, very proud. I am Belgian and I adore cycling, this was a mighty, beautiful, chilling world championship race with crazy twists. Thank you, riders, thank you Australia and thank you Thor, ‘cause it has to be said, that guy from Norway, Grimstad, that’s a nice dude.

Worlds 2010 Geelong (NL)

2 oktober zaterdagavond 10 uur ’s avonds. Tijd om naar bed te gaan. Ik had de wekker gezet op vijf uur voor de volgende ochtend. Ruim op tijd zodat ik nog een leuk stuk van het Wereldkampioenschap op de Weg bij de mannen zou kunnen meepikken. Een Belg was immers topfavoriet en dat wil je als lid van een wielergek land niet missen. Sommige mensen zouden de nacht doorhalen, dat leek mij niet zo’n best idee, aangezien ik maandagochtend er om zes uur ook alweer uit moet voor een lange dag school en ik niet in een al te beste gezondheid verkeer. Ik schoof dus moe en met een leuk vooruitzicht op een dagje koers tussen de warme dekens van mijn bed.

Toen om vijf uur het irritante deuntje van mijn klokje afging, timmerde ik het ding tot stilte en schoot uit bed. Ik had me immers al twee keer eerder verslapen toen ik de wekker had gezet om de wedstrijd van de vrouwen en de beloften te bekijken. Dat risico wou ik nu niet lopen, niet met Philippe Gilbert als topfavoriet aan de start. Mijn computer startte rustig op en ik wachtte ongeduldig op het moment dat ik de livestream kon openen. Nog negentig kilometer. Mooi op tijd. Net op tijd, want het feest barstte een paar kilometer later los. De Italianen wilden de Belgische zenuwen eens testen. Ik kwam net terug m’n kamer in met een kop warme chocolademelk als gezelschap toen er wat onrust was in het peloton. Zes uur tekende mijn wekker af in de duisternis. Het spel zit op de wagen. 35 man voorop en geen Spanjaard. Die trekken in het achtervolgende pelotonnetje aan de alarmbel en Luis Leon Sanchez gaat doortrekken. Maar toch, vooraan zat een leuk groepje met Gilbert, Leukemans, Van Avermaet en Hoste. Netjes en leuk voor de Belgen, ze waren attent, koersten verstandig en probeerden zich niet onder knoet te laten leggen door de Italianen, die stiekem honend naar ons lachen. Pozzato, de pater die een halfjaar zich ‘onthield’ van enig vleeslijk genot in zijn bed, speelde als vanouds weer de irritante stoorzender.‘We moeten hem een tandem kopen’ klonk de stem van Karl Vannieuwkerke geïrriteerd door mijn koptelefoon. The Shadow was er weer, en dit keer niet als hardnekkige schaduw van Tom Boonen zoals hij dat zo goed deed in Parijs-Roubaix van 2009, nee, Gilbert kreeg nu een extra schaduw aan zijn wiel.

Ik had ondertussen mijn geluksbrenger rond mijn hals gehangen en zat te bijten op de ketting. Alles beter dan mijn nagels die toch al kort staan, ik had mijn voorzorgen genomen. En dan plots op de klim versnelde de winnaar van de Ronde van Spanje, Vincenzo Nibali. Eerst was hij even alleen maar al gauw kwam z’n landgenoot, Visconti, en nog drie andere renners waaronder ook de afscheidnemende Koos Moerenhout aan zijn wiel geschoven. Opnieuw een andere situatie, en dit ging zo een tijdje door. Het WK was een gekke koers, zonder oortjes, zonder teamleiders die de oren van de renners potdoof schreeuwden, stress bij de ploegleiders, gezonde zenuwen bij de renners. Na een kilometer of twintig kwam het groepje Gilbert weer aansluiten, maar de Spanjaarden in het achtervolgende peloton hadden werk gemaakt van de achtervolging en hadden de aansluiting gemaakt met het groepje van Gilbert alvorens die Nibali en co grepen. De vijf vooraan beseffen dat ze zullen worden overstroomd door een jagend peloton. Een heel andere situatie weer. Oscar Freire, Thor Hushovd, Fabian Cancellara, Fränk Schleck, ze zijn weer bij de les. Toen ging Greg Van Avermaet, die eerder uitviel door een lekke band aan de kop van het peloton sleuren. Er vielen slachtoffers, het peloton werd uitgedund en dan ging Björn Leukemans een cartouche opentrekken. En dan gaat Gilbert mee met de Shadow in zijn wiel. Mijn hart maakte drie salto’s tegelijk, nog twintig kilometer te gaan. Vroeg, maar ‘de Phil’ heeft al eerder bewezen dat hij dat kan. Weliswaar in de Omloop het Volk, dat is natuurlijk anders dan een WK, maar de hoop leeft, de hoop flakkert als een vlammetje aan een toorts die in de wind staat. Phil en Leukemans, een duetje. Twee Belgen sleuren en trekken. L’Union va faire la Force? We hopen en we bidden. Achter de drie koplopers ontstaat een groepje met onder andere Evans, Martens, Kolobnev en Fränk Schleck. Fränk Schleck, die aansluiting zouden maken met Gilbert en co. Mijn hart maakte er nog een salto bij. Geen spoor van Schleck tot dusver gehad, tot nu, Fränk kwam piepen aan het front. Hij had er zin in en wou tonen dat hij niet voor niets afgereisd was naar het verre, mooie Australië.

Ondertussen had Gilbert er genoeg van, en hij viel aan op The Ridge. De laatste keer. Ik liet het kettinkje uit mijn mond vallen, angst dat ik het stuk zou bijten, dat of mijn tanden. Ik balde gespannen mijn vuisten en drukte mijn korte nagels in de palm van mijn hand, terwijl ‘Komaan Phil’ fluisterend door de kamer ging. Ik moest rekening houden met de twee slapende oudjes naast mijn kamer. Ik overwoog recht te staan omdat het zenuwachtig op en neer wippen in mijn zeteltje een piepend geluid maakte. Ik bleef zitten, rustig blijven, maar dat ging niet. Mijn hart ging als een razende tekeer terwijl het commentaar als een veer mijn oren kietelde. Achter Philippe was het gespeculeer begonnen, ik begon te hopen, 14 seconden, de hoop groeide, 18 seconden. Maar het was niet genoeg, het was niet genoeg. Een felle tegenwind op de nog vlakke kilometers tot de 500 meter bergop aankomst, deden Philippe terugwaaien naar de groep Schleck die ondertussen ook was opgeslorpt door het peloton. Gedaan met de hartkloppingen, weg hoop, weg wereldkampioenentrui. Een massasprint, goddomme, een massasprint, het zou toch niet waar zijn! Dan toch?! Ik hoopte dat Gilbert nog een mirakel zou verrichten maar het mocht niet zijn, hij bolde over de streep als achttiende. Greg Van Avermaet, wat heeft die jongen een knappe koers gereden, werd mooi vijfde. Maar ontgoocheling maakt zich snel van je meester. Het had kunnen zijn en met die wetenschap omgaan zorgt voor tegenstrijdige gevoelens. Thor Hushovd, die sterke Beer uit Grimstad, Noorwegen, was Wereldkampioen en niet onze sterke regelmatige Philippe Gilbert. Een harde en welgemeende ‘dedoeme’ ontsnapte tussen mijn lippen, tranen stonden in mijn ogen. Ik had het ‘de Phile’ zo hard gegund, veruit de meest regelmatige dit jaar, misschien de sterkste, maar het is, zoals hij zelf zei, niet dat dat telt, maar Wereldkampioen worden. Een nuchtere mens, die Philippe Gilbert, een fijne mens.

Dan kan ook het gespeculeer beginnen. Wat als Tom Boonen hier was geweest? Ik vroeg me al af waar zijn naam bleef. Tom was hier niet, spijtig, maar het is zo en niet anders. Het heeft geen zin om te zitten mokken of af te vragen of we dan misschien meer kans hadden gehad. We hadden de topfavoriet in huis, we hadden een ijzersterke ploeg waar we verdomd trots op mogen zijn, we waren in staat de koers te dragen, alleen hebben we niet de winnaar. Gilbert was de goeie keuze, zelfs als Boonen mee kon gaan naar Geelong. Wat als Gilbert wat had gewacht? Wachten? Gilbert? Laat me niet lachen, aanvallen is het eerste woordje in Gilbert’s woordenboek, wachten zul je niet vinden. Aanvallen wanneer het goed voelt en toen voelde het goed.Speculeren heeft geen zin, net zoals toen tijdens de Tour de France met een kettingincident, valpartijen en wachten, heeft het ook nu geen zin om de ‘wat als’ – tour op te gaan.

Ontgoocheld, ja, maar ook trots, want de Belgen hebben deze koers gekleurd, gemaakt en hard gemaakt. Hebben we te veel gehoopt? Waren we te zeker van ons stuk? Is het daarom dat we zo ontgoocheld zijn? Nee, we mochten zeker zijn van ons stuk, Gilbert was goed, heel goed, misschien wel de sterkste man in de hele race. Alleen heeft die niet gewonnen. Is dat onze Belgische bescheidenheid die naar boven komt? Mogen we niet meer hopen dan? Tuurlijk wel, liefst wel. Hoop doet leven. Het deed deugd hem te horen spreken en zien glimlachen in het interview met Renaat Schotte. De Phil heeft gegokt, hij heeft verloren, ja. Maar wie geen risico’s durft nemen, en dan toch verliest, zal heel zijn leven afvragen “Had ik het niet beter toch gedaan?” En wat ben je daar dan mee? Gilbert wordt nog wel wereldkampioen in de nabije toekomst. Misschien niet volgend jaar, dat is een kansje voor een goeie Boonen of misschien een Van Avermaet? Maar Valkenburg, een Amstel Gold Race parcours, dat heeft de Phil nodig, maar dat is in Europa en dan zijn er ook andere specialisten zoals een Gesink en een Andy Schleck van de partij. In ieder geval, wij hebben nog veel om op te hopen, is het niet dit jaar, dan wel een ander jaar. Ik ben trots op onze ploeg, heel trots. Ik ben Belg en ik ben zot van de koers, dit was een machtig, prachtig, bloedstollend wereldkampioenschap met knotsgekke wendingen. Dank u, renners, dank u Australië en dank u Thor, want het moet gezegd zijnde, die Noorse vent uit Grimstad, dat is een toffe peer.